Wonder Reef signals a new era of blue infrastructure, where art, science and engineering meet to create an iconic intervention that supports marine diversity, environmental rejuvenation, tourism and creative expression. The Gold Coast is known world over for its bold persona and incredible natural environment – what better place to create the world’s first buoyant artificial reef – nine beacons of optimism and invention.
As the diver descends, around them, nine large-scale sculptural elements appear to rest in suspended animations. From day one, this reef will capture the imagination and attention of not only divers, but also art lovers, architects, engineers, eco-tourists and marine conservationists across the globe.
The design sets out a series of bold vertical structures that occupy their own physical presence whilst creating an overall dynamic as divers begins to apprehend the monumental scale of each element and the space between them. Moving through the site, each on the nine buoys will become a destination as it emerges and recedes.
Each reef is designed to exaggerate the phenomenon of buoyancy. Over time, the reefs will become ‘baskets’ in this underwater ‘hanging garden’. With a diverse range of narrow and open spaces, each reef will soon become an enclave with a distinct community of activity.
To find out more visit https://new.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/Services/Projects-works/Gold-Coast-Dive-Attraction